Thursday, October 20, 2011

Laptop Tips 2011 - The Flickering LCD Screen

The loose end of the cable could be behind the LCD screen or loose from the connector on the motherboard. The more common of the two is the connection behind the LCD, which is also much easier to access. This only involves unscrewing and removing the facemask and unscrewing it from the brackets. You will then be able to reseat (Remove and reconnect) the connector from behind the screen. If this does not resolve the issue, then you will have to take the laptop partially or completely apart to get to the connector on the motherboard.

Any fraying or tearing of LCD cable can also result in a flickering screen. Check to see if there is any visible fraying or tearing of the cable close to the hinges. In most cases, loose or badly manufactured LCD hinges are the cause of the torn cable. You might have to tighten or replace the hinges, in addition to replacing the cable to resolve this issue. LCD cables can also tear inside the protecting cover. About 70% of a flickering screen's causes will be a loose or bad cable, so these are the first two troubleshooting steps you should try. Always try a new cable before attempting another diagnosis.

This usually happens from normal wear and tear. Although, the least common cause, it can still happen. The suggested method of repairing a bad connector is to replace the entire screen. Soldering a new connector on there can have very bad consequences, even if you are very goodat soldering. The LCD is very heat sensitive. Then, there is the problem of finding a connector from an exact same manufacturer and model of laptop. If you happen to have one, there is no guarantee that connector is good. The connector is not sold separately. So, the only way of

finding a known good connector, is if it is from a known good LCD screen. Then, you might as well just replace the whole screen.

Opening and closing a laptop can also cause strain on the motherboard LCD connector. Slowly, the heat with the constant pulling will eventually loosen the connector. Re-soldering in this case is a valid option. Even using a heat gun and pressing down on the connector can reset it back in place. Of course, if that does not work, then replacing the motherboard is the only option left.

The same thing that happens to motherboard LCD connector can also happen to the video chip. The intense heat can cause the connection to loosen. The same fix can be used here. Use a heat gun to heat the connector while pressing down firmly on the chip. A loose video card can simply be reseated. Just remove and insert the card back into the slot. Make sure the heat sink is firmly attached before trying the video again.

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